Are you wondering what you are going to pay in 2024? The new amounts and percentages for the calculation of your healthcare contribution are known.
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- Calculation aid for healthcare contribution (Dutch only)
- The new country of residence factors, percentages and amounts for 2024
The healthcare contribution
You pay a contribution for your health insurance to the Netherlands. We call this contribution the healthcare contribution. You pay through your pension(s) or benefits. The healthcare contribution consists of a:
• Fixed contribution – per insured person
• Contribution Zvw – percentage of your income
• Contribution Wlz – percentage of your income
• Country of residence factor – varies per country
The calculation
You pay a fixed contribution for each (co-)insured family member aged 18 and over. The Zvw and WLZ contributions are a percentage of your income. We multiply the total contribution by a country of residence factor. This factor eliminates the difference in care between your country of residence and the Netherlands.
Fixed contribution x number of family members
Zvw-% x income
Wlz-% x income
----------------------------------------- +
Subtotal x country of residence factor = healthcare contribution
Do you have more than 1 income (e.g. AOW + supplementary pension)? Then we have the Zvw and WLZ contributions on both incomes. The fixed contribution will only apply to your AOW.
Calculation aid
With our calculation aid you can calculate what you are about to pay in the year 2024. The exact monthly amounts can only be seen on your first benefit specification(s) of the SVB, your pension fund or the UWV.